It is the start of a new beginning - is that contradictory? It's exciting to start a new phase in life. The planning hasn't quite taken place yet, but it has started. Lots of things to research and look through and choose.
I'm looking forward to it all.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Something that is needed...
Patience. It's something that is needed everywhere you go, but sometimes can be lacking... It's needed when you buy something online, when you help someone who doesn't know as much as you, when you make something, when you wait for someone slow, when you are cooking something new, when you listen to someone say something you don't want to agree with, when you are fixing something, when you want to buy something, when you need someone to help you...the list goes on and on...
Friday, July 31, 2009
Happy SysAdmin Day!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Busy Bee
Lots of things happening this month...between work, marvin, events...there's definitely no dull moment. Our tomato and squash plants have been doing well and got lots of pictures.
They are all delicious and useful :-)
I'm hoping things will wind down a bit, but there's still plenty more things to plan, organize, and figure out. Hopefully all goes well. Now here's a picture of the pup now on his first trip...didn't go as well as I'd thought, but we all had fun. It'll be a while before we take him on a long car trip again, but hopefully this was not his last.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Today we start softball again. It was nice to be outside and run. It got warm pretty fast and by the end...I was ready to go back into the icy air conditioned office. I can't believe I just wrote that.
Update: Marvin is doing well...except he continues to have selective hearing when outside. He is growing rapidly. I'll post up some pics later on.
Update: Marvin is doing well...except he continues to have selective hearing when outside. He is growing rapidly. I'll post up some pics later on.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Today is the first day that S doesn't have school or camp...basically the summer has officially started. I wish I didn't have to go to work today and have a couple of months off in the summer too! I'll have to see when would be some good days to take off of work this month and next :-)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Growing large zucchini and Marvin

Our squash plant has finally started producing squash. There are supposedly 3 different kinds...zucchini, yellow squash, and a white zucchini...we picked a few the other day and one had grown to be quite large...I've posted a picture of the bush and of the squash we picked. They are actually a bit prickly to the touch...never knew that.

Other news...trying to train Marvin to walk nicely on a leash, he's learned to sit and kind of knows what down means. We've also been working on fetching and retrieving...hopefully we can get him to know how to do that outside...we shall see.
Friday, June 19, 2009
1. A hug just because from my special someone
2. A lazy weekend morning with a cup of coffee
3. A clean house
4. The smell of the morning air
5. The feeling you get after a good workout
6. Completion of a project
7. Conversations with close friends
8. Fresh flowers from farmers' market in a vase
What do you consider to be blissful?
2. A lazy weekend morning with a cup of coffee
3. A clean house
4. The smell of the morning air
5. The feeling you get after a good workout
6. Completion of a project
7. Conversations with close friends
8. Fresh flowers from farmers' market in a vase
What do you consider to be blissful?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Just an ordinary day
Today is just an ordinary weekday...nothing different is planned. Yesterday we went to the Giants' was not super great just because it was kind of a blow-out...the gents lost 8-1...hopefully they can pull it together tonight. My bro graduated last Friday...unreal. It makes me feel old and then to top it off, the other day, S was talking about how he was squatting during camp and when he got up...his legs were shaky - the oldness is creeping in! :-) life goes on i suppose...
Monday, June 8, 2009
So behind...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
He's here...
I'm so excited and glad that he's finally here! What a day...i can't believe we have a little puppy in our household now. Hopefully he is not feeling sad and that he likes his new home. He looked super alert when we picked him up from the airport and was super playful when he got home. Now that everyone has gone home he seems pretty calm and is just laying near my feet. I'll be posting up pics for sure :-) I'm guessing when S gets home he will be a little more happier too :-)
Friday, May 22, 2009
Yay, it's Friday! Plus it is a 3 day weekend, so I can rest up and do fun things :-) what shall we do for dinner?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Puppy continues... we put down a deposit :-) It's getting finalized! I'm so excited, and S as well. We both wish he would arrive this weekend, but I think next Wednesday is more realistic. Still lots of details and preparation...but sooooo exciting! I can't wait to post pics up...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Puppy continues...
Wow, so the Texas puppy is available again. Apparently the guy did not come through with his deposit and didn't call or I got a call back from the owner.
We shall see...just need to check up on some references and asking for additional pics.
We shall see...just need to check up on some references and asking for additional pics.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Looking for a puppy
This weekend, I found a really cute puppy...but he lives in Texas. By the time I called the owner, he was already sold. I was bummed...but this other lady who I had been emailing with, sent me updated pics of her pup...and he looks cute too. Who knew looking for a puppy would be such hard work. S said not to worry and that the right one will come along...just need some patience. I'm patience is already spent on too many things.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday Nite Fun
It all started out with an early train ride to work and then dinner at Jeffrey's...we started out our meal with Neopolitan milkshakes, which were delicious by the way. The food was good, but my stomach felt a little queasy...this is an isolated incident I'm sure. Then we continued on to the city to watch a little baseball.

The game did not end in our favor, but we both had a great time as usual. It wasn't as cold as last time either. The only downside is that today we are both quite tired :-) - a small price to pay for fun I suppose :-)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Mid Week

Today is only Wednesday...but we got Starbucks in the morning :-) Usually we do Starbucks Fridays, but this is the second time we ran out of either coffee or half & Starbucks Wednesday it is. It's kinda like a quick break from the week, because it's something different and fun. At least it is for me :-) What do you do to have fun in the middle of the week?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day Weekend II
Happy Mother's Day! The weather today was very nice. We are spoiled by living in this area. Today we spent some time with S's mom. I hope she enjoys the basil plant. This is the card design that I came up with for this weekend...Should I post this one up on Etsy...maybe I should make another one and post both up at the same time?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Mother's Day Weekend
It is Mother's Day tomorrow, but we are celebrating it a little earlier...S and I went with my parents this morning to Coffee Society. None of us had been there before, and frankly, it was just ok. We chatted for a while and then walked around the shopping plaza. G came home today, so we are all going to have dinner. I've made cards for Mother's Day and tomorrow I'll post a picture to show you all.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Working hard
I've recently purchased a self-healing mat and a rotary cutter. So I put them to good use. S wanted something unique to handout to the girls, so we thought 'basketballs' would be cool...made them in school colors and will add initials and numbers to each of them...check out the work in progress on the self-healing mat.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
A Cool Site
I found this site from a blog I was looking at... type in the color you wish to search and it displays a bunch of interesting fonts, pics, colors...check it out :-)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Just Beautiful
Today Lisa Leonard posted a beautiful bracelet in her online store. I think it would look fabulous as a necklace :-) i'll have to think of a reason to get it...
Friday, April 24, 2009
A Whole Week
Wow, a whole week has passed and I did not blog...this week went by fast! I can't wait to go home and take a look at the dresser!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Update on the previous blog post
So it looks like the human calendar actually know what day it it won't actually reflect the day that I originally wrote the post, but it will show whatever day/month you are actually checking out this blog :-) COOL
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A Human Calendar
I was blog surfing and came across this...I wonder if the "date" will change accordingly...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Today my allergies are bad...I keep blowing my nose and my face and head feel slightly swollen...using way too much kleenex...
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Weekend
I'll have to say that I was quite sad at the beginning of this weekend, but I know that S will have lots of fun on the trip so that makes me happy. After I dropped him off, I drove into the city to meet up with M and B. We ate lots of good food and had a good time talking and catching up. We also got to walk up Bernal Hill and see a great view of the city since the weather was gorgeous that day.
Saturday, April 11, 2009

This is one of our strawberry plants. I am quite proud of it because there is actually fruit on it. Right now it is in the process of becoming red. So cool. By the time S gets back, it may be ready to pick! Haha.
Also, the tomato plant is doing well so far. There is actually little yellow flowers. All the cage things are in place and ready to support new growth! Hopefully there will be more tomatoes this year than last. Soon to come - zucchini and sweet peppers :-)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I've been eating a lot of yogurt lately...plain, vanilla low-fat yogurt from TJs. I put in a mixture of some fruit like strawberries, bananas, blueberries, blackberries, dried cranberries, almonds, and put in granola along with the yogurt. It satisfies as a mid-morning snack, but also works as a lunch :-)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
advent part 1a
I finished embroidering the numbers on the felt pockets that I am planning on using for the project I am working on. I am thinking of giving the finished product to someone so I think I will keep it on the DL for now...but I may post up pics of it here and there...I've decided embroidering is quite fun, and I keep thinking of ways to use it!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Weekend Wind-Down...
Yesterday, M came over to watch some of the games on TV. I've basically dropped to close to last in the pool, but it's still fun to watch and root for the teams. We had KFC for lunch and had a ton was delicious though :-) I also went over to visit my parents and my brother was home, so we got a chance to catch up a bit.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
The Madness
This weekend will be dedicated to basketball...although I did get a chance to get a haircut...The madness is once again upon us...actually it started on Thursday. So far I've been doing ok in the brackets, but never first. Oh well, I guess it limits the smack talking :-)
Friday, March 20, 2009
Something Useful
Yesterday after work, I felt like I needed to do something creative. I also wanted to get rid of this pile of newspapers, ads, and magazines just sitting on the kitchen counter. So I grabbed a box that used to hold the skillet, cut a little bit here and there, used a pottery barn bag and some ribbon and ta-da! A nifty little holder. 
Thursday, March 19, 2009
There always seems to be some sort of material item that is on my wish list. I wonder if there will ever be a time where there are nothing on that list. The funny thing is that once the item leaves that list, I feel just a bit more satisfied. Especially if that item has been on the list for quite some time. I guess if it was something that had stayed on the list, then it must have been quite important? One can only hope that is the case.
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